Alzheimer’s is a chronic disease which starts slowly but turns swear gradually. Usually, it

is common in the patients with Dementia. Dementia is a broad category of brain disease

cause decrease in ability to think, while Huntington’s disease is inherited a progressive

form of dementia.


Usually, 60% to 70% of Dementia cases face Alzheimer’s. The most common early

symptom is short term memory loss i.e. facing difficulty in remembering recent events

others are forgetting names of friends or family and confusion in situations. With the

passage of time symptoms varies which includes disorientation, problems with language,

loss of motivation, mood swings, not managing self­care and behavioral issues. Persons

facing this disease often withdraw from family as well as society. Eventually, bodily

functions are lost, ultimately results in the death of the patient. It is a very severe problem

of many countries.


LMTX is TauRx’s second generation TAI (tau aggregation inhibitor). LMTX has a

chemical structure similar to a dye called methylene blue used as stain and medication.

Being similar to stain LMTX colors Patient’s urine bluish green. LMTX is used as medicine

for Alzheimer patients.


The researchers recruited 850+ patients from almost 16 countries. These patients were

split into three groups .The first group received a lower dose, the second group received a

higher dose and the third group was given LMTX in a very small amount so that color of

their urine couldn’t change and they wouldn’t suspect that they were part of the research.

Unfortunately, the drug failed. Almost 85% of patients who took LMTX showed no

improvement in symptoms. But according to TauRx rest of the 15% patients who took this

drug showed no decrease in cognitive skills. This means for these patients Alzheimer

stopped progressing during the trial period.


Claude Wischik, a founder and the chief executive of TauRx, spoke from Toronto at the

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference that, there were highly significant

effects in patients taking the drug alone, and no effect in patients taking it as an add­on.

Although this drug only slows down the Alzheimer symptoms but its results are

unprecedented compared as compared with anyone else said by CEO.


Many biochemical tests have been developed to diagnose condition before

symptoms begin. These tests prove beneficial in preventing this disease. Moreover,

intellectual activities such as playing chess can reduce the risk of AD although no casual

or practical relationship can be found. Although LMTX fails to cure this disease but still it

can stop the symptoms of Alzheimer by 80 per cent. Whether LMTX works or not, It is

clear that pharmaceutical companies and scientists will keep trying. TauRx has completed

2 Phase 3 clinical trials of LMTX in Alzheimer’s. An abstract from the 1st of its two phase

3 trials was presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in

Toronto, on 27th July 2016.Results are predictable to be available in August.

By recent survey, it is revealed that Alzheimer is affecting US economy by $200 billion

annually. An effective treatment can save many lives and money

Why Learning Music Is Better Than Brain Games

The brain can be trained at any age – the question is how. Crystallized intelligence is when the brain remembers relatively unchangeable facts, such as geographical locations or properties and traits of objects and living things. Fluid intelligence is being able to use crystallized intelligence to solve problems or adapt to changing circumstances. Throughout the range and mix of crystallized and fluid intelligences’ is the ability to pay attention, especially to increasing number of “moving parts” of information according to the level of difficulty.

A great trend in brain training, to use these forms of intelligence appropriately and pay attention, is brain games that test and challenge memory. N-back and dual n-back games are the technical terms, better known as games such as Bejewelled Blitz or any of the games on Lumosity. The argument is that playing these games will strengthen the brain, and most likely the strengthening will help stave off dementia.

However, consider learning a musical instrument instead. Being able to play an instrument (well) requires a tremendous amount of brain effort. The mind has an incredible number of things to keep track: the eyes reading the sheet music, the hands and fingers moving independently of each other, keeping to the timing and rhythm, maintaining good sound – and if playing with others – being in sync with other instruments. No other activity requires such an intricate puzzle of constantly moving parts, especially in an artistic manner.

From a practical level, brain games are generally a solitary activity. There is not really much social interaction, which is why sometimes the attention level that is strengthened does not translate to real life. Learning an instrument can be much more practical, and it connects people to others who have the same interest.

Is It Really Alzheimer’s?

There was a time when heart disease was such an unknown concept that perfectly preventable deaths were part of a growing body count. Then the medical community launched such successful awareness campaigns that the newly well-educated public were flooding emergency rooms at any sign of chest pain. Many of these chest-pain cases were actually instances of indigestion or strained muscles (Although some really were cardiovascular issues and many lives were saved).

Alzheimer’s disease is the new heart disease. There was a time when people just thought forgetfulness was due to old age, and they were not receiving the medical attention they needed and deserved. But now the smallest example of forgetfulness is attributed to Alzheimer’s disease – and that’s just as bad. It’s bad because people are taking on a fatalistic mentality: Alzheimer’s is a fact of life, and it’s only a matter of time. It’s bad because people are giving up far too quickly and easily; they’re not differentiating normal moments of forgetting vs. actual dementia.

Dementia (and especially Alzheimer’s disease) follows clinical diagnostic criteria, which means there are classifications and qualifications for a person’s forgetfulness. For Alzheimer’s, there are three general levels of concern: 1) possible AD, 2) probable AD, and 3) confirmed AD. If there is any worry about which of these is applicable (either to yourself or a loved one), consult a neurologist and decide on a course of action.

A somewhat over-simplified distinction is: It’s perfectly normal to forget where the car/house keys last were, in fact, forgetting where the keys are has been a lifetime occurrence. Being 80 years old and forgetting once again is not a sign of dementia. However, if at an advanced age, someone begins to put the iron in the refrigerator – that’s cause for medical concern.