Alzheimer’s Disease Sniff Test: Identifying Odors May Detect Early Memory Decline, Dementia – Medical Daily

Medical Daily

Alzheimer's Disease Sniff Test: Identifying Odors May Detect Early Memory Decline, Dementia
Medical Daily
Our nose helps us identify odors, from a cup of coffee to the smoke of a cigarette. As we age, an impaired sense of smell is normal, but completely losing our sense of smell could be a sign of brain damage. Two studies presented at the Alzheimer's ...
UPSIT 'Smell Test' Could Aid In Early Detection Of Alzheimer'sCBS Local
Smell test may be early predictor of dementia, Alzheimer's diseaseHealio
Sight and smell tests offer key to dementia diagnosis | Irish ExaminerIrish Examiner
MedPage Today -MultiVu -Alzheimer's Association -Columbia Doctors
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